UPEI professor to give presentation about Guaranteed Basic Income

Professor Louis Doiron, Director of the Actuarial Science and Financial Mathematics programs at UPEI, will give a virtual presentation on Wednesday, October 27, at 3:00 p.m., about the feasibility and costing of implementing a Guaranteed Basic Income Program in Canada.
Professor Doiron will discuss the design, potential challenges, and the cost of implementing a guaranteed basic income program, which was part of the federal government’s budget in April 2021. He will also talk about the role that actuaries would play in the various stages of implementing such a program should it take place.
“Actuarial science plays an important role in many aspects of our lives, a little-known fact among the public,” he said, “including the development of social programs such as guaranteed basic income, our health system, employment insurance, worker’s compensation, Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security, agriculture insurance programs, various private insurance coverages as well as employers’ pension plans and employee benefits.”
Professor Doiron, FCIA, FSA, MAAA, is the Director, Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Sciences, and a full professor in the School of Mathematics and Computational Sciences. He is an internationally qualified actuary with over 35 years of industry and academic experience, and he is very active on UPEI’s Senate and several University committees, the Canadian Institute of Actuaries, the International Actuarial Association, and the board of the Actuarial Foundation of Canada.
The presentation, which is open to the public, will take place via Zoom. Please use the following link to join the event: https://upei.zoom.us/j/69028986831?pwd=N21TS 3IyS1owdUFEajBJMm1EMXkwQT09.
For more information, please contact Professor Louis Doiron, FCIA, FSA, MAAA at ldoiron@upei.ca.
Biography: Professor Louis Doiron, FCIA, FSA, MAAA
Professor Louis Doiron is a qualified actuary with over 35 years of senior management and academic experience nationally and internationally. Throughout his career he has held senior roles with large international insurance companies and financial services corporations as Chief Agent/CEO, Chief Actuary/Appointed Actuary, Chief Risk Officer and is currently a Full Professor with the University of Prince Edward Island and Director of Actuarial Science and Financial Mathematics programs and a member of the University Senate. Louis is currently part of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries professional Investigation Team for compliance with rules of professional conduct and standards of practice. Louis is also very active with the Canadian Institute of Actuaries and the International Actuarial Association as a member of several committees including education, climate change and sustainability, banking, and academic research. He is also a Director on the Board of the Actuarial Foundation of Canada and is the Chair of the International Joint Education Forum. Over the last two years, Louis has completed research with the Canadian Institute of Actuaries and the Society of Actuaries on Covid-19, Guaranteed Minimum Income, and the impact of sustained low interest rates on pension plans.