Dr. David Reid retires from UPEI Health and Wellness Centre

After providing health care to students at the University of Prince Edward Island for the past 30 years, Dr. David Reid has retired from the UPEI Health and Wellness Centre.
Dr. Reid began practising at the health centre at UPEI in 1991, making him one of the longest serving doctors on the campus. At the same time, he worked at walk-in clinics and maintained his family practice in Sherwood.
There have been many changes in the provision of medical care at UPEI since 1991—in the types of issues he has seen, the medical services offered, and the physical clinical facilities, said Dr. Reid. One of the biggest changes is the increased rise in—and awareness of—mental health issues, particularly among young people. It is well documented that over 70 per cent of mental health issues begin in adolescence.
“There is so much more awareness and openness about mental health now than when I first started practicing medicine,” he said. He noted that UPEI is well set to handle mental health issues through the accessibility, counselling, and psychological services it offers, including the recently established Doctor of Psychology program.
Educating students about sexual health was another focus of his practice at UPEI; he held informal talks on the topic with students in the University’s residences. He also enjoyed working with UPEI Men’s Hockey as team physician for a number of years.
When Dr. Reid started working at UPEI, the health centre was in the basement of Marian Hall, at that time one of the residences on campus. He noted that his exam room was about the size of a closet, and there was only one nurse on staff. Now the UPEI Health and Wellness Centre is in a bright and spacious area on the second floor of the W.A. Murphy Student Centre, and its staff has expanded to include registered nurses, nurse practitioners, and licensed practical nurses as well as doctors and administrative staff.
Joining the health care team at UPEI is Dr. Natalie Green, who gained experience with health care for post-secondary students in the US. She has a special interest in sexual health, sports medicine, and global health. She is providing new services such as IUD/Nexplanon insertions and removals as well as a clinic to deal with minor skin tags, warts, and cysts.
“UPEI has a great health care team, and Dr. Green will be a great addition,” added Dr. Reid.
Dr. Reid said he enjoyed his time at UPEI immensely, providing medical and educational services to the campus community and, in the process, getting to know the students and athletes.
“UPEI is a great place to work. I am grateful to have served the students and the campus for the past 30 years.”
Marilyn Barrett, director of the UPEI Health and Wellness Centre, said that Dr. Reid has been a terrific asset to the campus’s health care team over the years.
“We will miss him,” she said. “Luckily, we have been able to find a great replacement in Dr. Green and can expand our services.”
Dr. Reid may be leaving UPEI, but he is not going to be putting up his feet. Rather, he is changing his scope of his medical practice. He is continuing with his family practice of over 1,600 patients. As the only doctor on PEI mandated by the federal government to conduct medical examinations for people applying for permanent residency, he will continue to do those exams. He noted that when he first started doing the examinations, he did five per week. Now he does 64 per week.
When Dr. Reid entered the medical profession 30 years ago, his father—also a family physician—gave him some advice. He told his son that he would have a more fulfilling career if he engaged in a variety of activities. Dr. Reid took that advice to heart.
Thank you, Dr. Reid, for your years of service to UPEI!