UPEI to re-introduce mandatory masking effective September 8, 2021

The following message was distributed to faculty and staff via their @upei.ca emails on behalf of the UPEI's two vice-presidents. The same message was sent to students by the Associate Vice-President of Students and Registrar.
Dear Faculty and Staff,
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, so must our health and safety guidance.
UPEI introduced the UPEI Mandatory Vaccination Policy last week, which requires unvaccinated individuals to wear a mask at all times. We also issued a strong recommendation on August 13, 2021, that individuals, whether vaccinated or not, should continue to wear a mask when physical distancing cannot be maintained.
It has become apparent that maintaining a physical distance of 2 metres/6 feet (2m/6ft) in most campus environments will be very difficult, especially as our occupancy levels increase with the beginning of the academic year.
Therefore, effective September 8, 2021, UPEI will move from a strong recommendation to a mandatory requirement to wear a non-medical mask in indoor public spaces where physical distancing of 2m/6ft cannot be maintained, except when eating or drinking.
Indoor public spaces at UPEI include:
- classrooms and teaching laboratories where physical distancing of 2m/6ft cannot be maintained
- building entrances and foyers
- hallways and stairwells
- common areas and open concept rooms
- service desk and counter areas
- room entrances and exits
- any place where physical distancing of 2m/6ft cannot be always maintained
If individuals are separated by 2m/6ft once they are seated in a classroom, teaching laboratory, meeting room, or office, wearing a mask is optional; however, if there is any possibility that physical distancing of 2m/6ft cannot be maintained, they must don a mask. Instructors who are greater than six feet from students may remove their masks if they prefer. If they interact with students within six feet, they will be required to don their mask. Individuals who are not fully vaccinated must continue to wear a mask at all times, except when eating or drinking.
These measures will continue to be evaluated and adapted as needed, in concert with PEI Chief Public Health Office guidance. For more information on UPEI's response to COVID-19, visit the COVID-19 Information website.
Katherine Gottschall-Pass
Vice-President Academic and Research (Interim)
Jackie Podger
Vice-President Administration and Finance