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PEI Symphony Orchestra’s July concert features UPEI faculty

The PEISO presents “The Orchestra Deconstructed” at Indian River Festival, July 11
| Music
A smartly dressed woman with her hands crossed beside a man in a tie holding a clarinet. They both stand in a concert hall in front of a grand piano.
Dr. Magdalena von Eccher and Dr. Karem Simon

The PEI Symphony is presenting a unique concert called The Orchestra Deconstructed on Sunday, July 11, at 3 pm, during the Indian River Festival.

For this recital-style concert, a soloist has been selected from each section of the orchestra to perform with an accompanist. Hok Kwan (violin), Ryan Drew (percussion), UPEI music professor Dr. Karem Simon (clarinet), and retired UPEI brass professor Dr. Gregory Irvine (tuba) will present an intricate and exploratory program showcasing their respective orchestral instruments with piano accompaniment by Morgan Saulnier and UPEI music professor Dr. Magdalena von Eccher. Repertoire will range from Stravinsky to Debussy and from Delerue to Tcherepnin. 

Tickets are available at for this performance at the historic St. Mary's Church in Indian River, PEI.

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