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UPEI’s Dr. Josh MacFadyen named co-executive editor of Historical Methods

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A smiling man in a jacket and unbuttoned shirt. He is sitting in an office with natural light and office plants
Dr. Josh MacFadyen

Dr. Josh MacFadyen, UPEI’s Canada Research Chair in Geospatial Humanities, has been named a co-executive editor of Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History. The journal’s audience includes historians and other social scientists concerned with historical problems. Historical Methods is currently ranked eleventh on the Social Sciences Citation Index in the category of history.

“Serving as co-executive editor of such a prestigious journal is a huge accomplishment,” said Dr. Neb Kujundzic, dean of the Faculty of Arts at UPEI. “Additionally, assisting with the journal has provided an opportunity for arts majors in the Applied Communications, Leadership, and Culture (ACLC) program and history to learn about new interdisciplinary research in these fields. Congratulations, Josh!”

Since it was established in 1967, the journal has published quarterly issues on a range of emerging approaches to understanding historical change over time. In the 1970s, the journal added “quantitative and interdisciplinary history” to its title and became a popular outlet for research that employs computational methods. Recently, the journal has expanded to include new research conducted in digital humanities and history, which considers geospatial analysis, including tools such as historical Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Dr. MacFadyen’s research in the digital humanities and his research chair in geospatial humanities makes him the perfect fit for this new challenge.


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