UPEI releases campus-wide Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Strategy

In an email message issued to the campus community on behalf of the UPEI Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Steering Committee on Tuesday, March 16, Dr. Kathy Gottschall-Pass, interim vice-president academic and research and Ms. Jackie Podger, vice-president administration and finance, released the first campus-wide UPEI Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Strategy.
The message indicated that the release of the UPEI EDI Strategy was the culmination of a process that was over a year in planning, consultation, and development. The UPEI EDI Strategy was recently endorsed by the UPEI Board of Governors and Senate.
The vice-presidents wrote, “The UPEI EDI Strategy provides our learning community with five focus areas in which to build awareness, knowledge, and actions to enable continuous improvements in equity, diversity, and inclusion on our campus and within our larger communities: Student Success; Success of Faculty, Researchers, and Staff; Organizational Systems; Capacity Building; and Campus Culture. The Strategy is meant to help guide our University in identifying and removing barriers, encouraging participation, and working toward an inclusive campus culture.”
More information about equity, diversity, and inclusion can be found on the EDI Office website. UPEI faculty, staff, and students also have access to a wide range of information, training, and resources on the myUPEI EDI site.
Deans, department chairs, directors, and managers who are interested in learning more about what equity, diversity, and inclusion means for their area are welcome to contact Patti Wheatley, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Officer at equity@upei.ca.