Pitch Perfect: Go beyond what you want

Synapse at UPEI is hosting a free session for students, graduates, staff, and faculty on improving their professional and personal pitches. The event is Friday, November 6, from 12:30 pm to 2 pm.
This session is designed to provide them with advice and resources to better prepare them to succeed the next time they face grant managers and funding agencies; hiring managers; investors like angels, venture capitalists, family, and friends; potential customers and partners; colleagues and classmates; and key talent and sought-after collaborators.
The Perfect Pitch session will run 90 minutes, including an interactive component where attendees may volunteer to have trainer Linda Plano work on their pitch.
To build on this workshop, a follow-up Pitch Clinic workshop will take place a week later.
Space is limited. Register for either or both sessions. Registration is now open for the first session: http://bit.ly/PEI-PPW.
Plano, who is based in Boston, has a wealth of experience and a track record of guiding thousands of entrepreneurs and academics to success. She has trained people around the world, including in Atlantic Canada, and at UPEI. She earned a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from Stanford University and won a Mass Technology Leadership “Mover and Shaker” award. Her professional career has included being a research scientist and CEO at startups, holding executive positions at large, establishing companies, and serving on boards like the MIT Enterprise Forum and the New England Clean Energy Council.