New: Masks mandatory in UPEI campus buildings

The UPEI Health, Safety, and Environment department issued new guidance for mask-wearing on September 3 in advance of the beginning of the 2020 Fall Academic Semester.
Effective September 8, 2020, wearing a non-medical mask will be mandatory in UPEI campus buildings. This new measure, along with physical distancing (2m/6ft) and hand hygiene, will enable us to better protect each other.
Exceptions to this rule include when eating; or when alone in an office or laboratory. Consideration will also be given to individuals who are unable to wear a mask due to certain health conditions. Prior to attending classes, students may obtain an exemption from wearing a mask by making an appointment with Accessibility Services (902-566-0488) at UPEI Student Affairs. Employees may reach out to the UPEI Health and Wellness Centre (902-566-0616 or for an appointment to obtain an exemption.
UPEI Student Affairs will maintain a supply of disposable non-medical masks at the kiosk on the second level of the Student Experience Hub at Dalton Hall for any students who have forgotten or do not have access to masks. Also, a “back-up” supply of masks will be available in teaching laboratories and classrooms.
Supervisors can request non-medical masks from UPEI Health, Safety, and Environment at
Laboratory workers should use their own supply of non-medical masks. Once this supply has been depleted, supervisors can request a supply from UPEI Health, Safety, and Environment at
Information on the proper use of masks can be found on the UPEI Health, Safety, and Environment web page. Additional security, safety, and health guidance for COVID-19 can be found in UPEI’s Operational Ease-Back Plan.