Annual public reading from UPEI’s Creative Writing Master Class, March 10

The annual public reading from UPEI’s Creative Writing Master Class will take place on Tuesday, March 10, at 7 pm in The Carriage House at Beaconsfield Historic House, 2 Kent Street, Charlottetown. The evening will showcase a baker’s dozen of the Island’s talented emerging writers: Stephen Plouffe, Monika Stewart, Carter Smith, Nick van Ouwerkerk, Emily Browning, Brent Taylor, Sam Jensen, Kayla Lamb, Conor Dever, Shayla Hele, Jonathan Williams, Lorraine Clements, and Jack Wallace.
Each writer will share excerpts of their poetry, historical fiction, futuristic and fantasy fiction, and memoirs. We will travel back to meet refugees on PEI in the aftermath of the American Revolution, forward to an embattled America strife-torn by water shortage, and into a hockey arena to watch a highly skilled girl playing on a boys’ team. We will meet secret agents guarding the Atlantic shores from sea monsters and citizens ensnared in an automated justice system.
There will be love poetry, poetry evoking the repercussions of sexual assault, and poems showing us a squirrel-hating grandfather with a shotgun, a Canadian soldier on the eve of D-Day, a family gathered around a loved one on life support, and a romantically inclined couple sitting at night on a Charlottetown wharf.
The master class reading is sponsored by the UPEI English Department, Faculty of Arts, and Vice-President Academic and Research. Admission is free. Everyone is welcome.