UPEI supporting literacy and numeracy on PEI

The University of Prince Edward Island’s Faculty of Education is launching a survey about literacy and numeracy. All Islanders are welcome to share their perspectives about literacy and numeracy before the survey’s closing date of February 3, 2020.
“Prince Edward Island is the only province in Canada without a literacy strategy,” said Dr. Ronald MacDonald, dean of education at UPEI. “That’s really concerning. We’re looking for people’s perspectives and concerns about literacy and numeracy on the Island. The time is right to do something about it, and I think the Faculty of Education is in a great position to take the lead.”
In December 2019, representatives from 30 organizations, which support literacy and numeracy on PEI, gathered at UPEI to discuss how best to support Islanders in developing their skills in these essential areas. The result is this survey. Do Prince Edward Island adults and children have the literacy and numeracy skills they need? How can we support literacy and numeracy learning on the Island? This survey will help inform the path we collectively take to improve literacy and numeracy on the Island.
“Every voice matters,” said Dr. MacDonald.
If you, or someone you know, requires literacy or accessibility support for this survey, or have further questions, contact Dr. Ron MacDonald at rjmacdonald@upei.ca or 902-566-0349.
Complete the survey today at upei.ca/literacy.