Information regarding the 2019 Novel Coronavirus infection outbreak in China

The following message was distributed to faculty, staff and students on January 23, 2020 on behalf of the Office of the Vice-President Academic and Research.
Dear faculty, staff, and students,
Many of you are likely aware of news reports about the new strain of the Coronavirus (2019 Novel Coronavirus or 2019-nCoV) that has been confirmed in China. Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases.
The University of Prince Edward Island has consulted with the PEI Chief Public Health Office to confirm our understanding of this new CoV infection. At this point, the risk is very low in PEI as there are currently no cases of 2019 Novel Coronavirus in Canada.
CoVs are spread by droplets and, therefore, there is limited transmission beyond 6 feet/2 metres. The best defence against any type of flu is good hand hygiene (regular hand washing) and cough etiquette (covering your mouth and nose). Anyone who feels unwell and/or develops a fever and cough is encouraged to see their primary care provider or make an appointment at the UPEI Health and Wellness Centre.
Please refer to the attached statement from the PEI Chief Public Health Office issued today, and to the following Government of Canada links for more information:
Dr. Katherine Gottschall-Pass
Vice-President Academic and Research (Interim)