Public meeting and survey on PEI’s indicators of climate change

The public is invited to a public meeting and presentation about the indicators of climate change for Prince Edward Island. The event is on Wednesday, December 4, at 7 pm, in room 242 of UPEI’s Don and Marion McDougall Hall. The meeting and a corresponding survey are part of a master of science research project conducted by graduate student Don Jardine.
The selection of the most useful and best indicators for PEI needs input from those involved in the sectors being studied, which includes agriculture, fisheries, and tourism along with input from the general public. The results of this survey will assist in the selection of the best climate change indicators for PEI.
Hard copies of the survey will be available at the presentation. It is also available online. Responses will be accepted until December 20. A written summary of the analysis of responses will be made available to all participants and the public.