UPEI launches new safety app

As part of UPEI’s commitment to crisis preparedness and response, the University has launched a new, free safety app called UPEI SAFE.
UPEI SAFE is an app that the University will use to advise the community about crises, university/storm closures, and safety-related issues, as well as offer health and safety information.
“The University of Prince Edward Island takes the health, safety, and security of its students, faculty, staff, and the entire campus community very seriously,” said Jackie Podger, Vice-President Administration and Finance. “UPEI SAFE is an excellent resource that serves as a mass notification system as well as provides health and safety information. I encourage all members of our campus community, but also family and friends, to download UPEI SAFE.”
While UPEI student, faculty, and staff emails have been automatically entered into UPEI SAFE, community members are encouraged to download the app from the App Store (for iOS devices) or Google Play (for Android devices) in order to receive push notifications and to access a full menu of features such as Mobile BlueLight, Friend Walk, and WorkAlone. Other UPEI SAFE resources include contact information for campus support services, campus maps, and a mechanism to report health and safety concerns to several offices on campus. Community members who do not have a smartphone or a supported app platform may subscribe to receive notifications by text (SMS) over cell connections by texting the word UPEI to the short code 723389. (Standard message and data rates may apply.)
Notifications about crisis situations and university/storm closures are pushed through UPEI SAFE as well as emailed to student, faculty, and staff @upei.ca email addresses. Messages are also posted on the UPEI home page (upei.ca), the UPEI Campus Screen network, and on Twitter (@UPEI). Messages may also be broadcast in UPEI buildings through a public address system.
The UPEI SAFE app was developed by AppArmor. AppArmor is a Canadian company based in Toronto that develops custom mobile safety and crisis response applications for institutions in Canada, Australia and the US.
To learn more about UPEI SAFE, or for assistance downloading the app, visit upei.ca/upeisafe