UPEI expresses concern and extends support for students impacted by Hurricane Dorian

On behalf of faculty, staff and students, the University of Prince Edward Island is expressing profound concern and extending support to students impacted by Hurricane Dorian.
The challenges and aftermath of the catastrophic flooding and devastation will no doubt become clearer over the next few days. For students from the Bahamas, who are either returning to or beginning their first year at UPEI, it is an extremely stressful time as they worry about family and loved ones back home. Approximately 80 students from the Bahamas are currently enrolled at UPEI.
Students and others can find more information on the current situation by visiting the following websites /social media sites:
National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA)
- On Twitter @nemabahamas
- On Instagram @bahamasnema
Office of the Prime Minister of the Bahamas
- On Twitter @opmthebahamas
On Wednesday, September 4, the Rotaract Club of UPEI will be collecting donations at the UPEISU Clubs and Societies Fair from 10 am–1 pm in the Quad.
Here are some other ways to contribute to the Hurricane Dorian relief effort:
- Bahamian Red Cross: https://bahamasredcross.org/
- Rotary Clubs of the Bahamas: https://7020.org/
- UPEI's Rotaract Club is also organizing donations to be sent to the Bahamas Rotary via GoFundMe
UPEI’s highest priority is the well-being of students, faculty, and staff and pledges its support and assistance to those in need.
The UPEI Chaplaincy Centre is open from 8 am to 11 pm daily and is available to students as a gathering place.
For those students needing support, please contact the International Student Office at 902-566-0576 or inte@upei.ca, or UPEI Student Affairs at 902-566-0488 or studentserv@upei.ca.