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UPEI Mental Health Week begins next week!

| University

UPEI’s Mental Health Week Committee has unveiled its jam-packed, five-day schedule for UPEI Mental Health Week 2019, January 28 to February 1.

Based on feedback from the community, the Committee moved the weeklong program, themed ‘relationships matter’, from March into January, which also aligns with Bell Let’s Talk Day on January 30.

“We’re excited about the change in dates for Mental Health Week as we know that the beginning of a New Year and new semester can be a source of stress. Our hope is to build a culture of care that nurtures and celebrates mental health and wellness of everyone in our UPEI community,” says MHW committee co-chair Anne Bartlett. “The events and sessions encourage students, staff and faculty to help themselves and each other by connecting and building relationships with others.”

Adds MHW committee co-chair Keith Lawlor, “We hope to instill the idea that at UPEI, no one is alone—there is always someone who can help.”

The week will begin with a Kick-off and Keynote Address by Jeremie Saunders on Monday, January 28 from 12:00–1:30 pm in McMillan Hall at the W.A. Murphy Student Centre.

Saunders, whose “Sickboy” podcast has garnered international attention, draws on his experience living with cystic fibrosis for over 31 years and brings real people with life-altering illnesses to a growing audience. In an unparalleled combination of what he calls “bro-science,” humour, and compassion, Saunders inspires us to move beyond euphemism and platitude to speak directly of the things that matter most.

In his presentation at UPEI, “Open Up Wide. No, Wider. Cultivating Happiness Through Vulnerability”, Saunders will break down the importance of building community when striving for happiness and the vital role vulnerability plays in building the trust needed to strengthen the foundation of support we need as we strive to live our lives to the fullest.

Light snacks and refreshments for the Kick-off event have been kindly provided by UPEI’s Healthy Campus Committee.

The full schedule for UPEI Mental Health Week 2019 can be found at


Nicole Phillips
Associate Director
Marketing and Communications
(902) 566-0947

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