This News Story is more than 6 years old. Links and contact information may have changed.

AVC launches new donation website

Donating to AVC is quicker and easier!
| Atlantic Veterinary College

AVC now has a new website that makes donating to the College quick and easy. Supporters can click on Give to AVC on the front page of the College’s main website to go to the donation website. On that site, they will find 12 funds that they can support by clicking on the appropriate link.

“We work to ensure the health and welfare of animals and people by educating and training veterinarians, exploring the causes and cures for health problems, and providing animals with top-quality medical care,” said Dr. Greg Keefe, dean of AVC. “The support of our donors is critical to the achievement of these goals, and for this, I thank them.”


Anna MacDonald
AVC External Relations Officer
Atlantic Veterinary College
(902) 566-6786

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