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Federal Budget 2018

| University

UPEI President and Vice-Chancellor Alaa Abd-El-Aziz welcomed the investments in science and research that were identified in the federal budget tabled by the Honourable Bill Morneau, Minister of Finance, in the House of Commons on February 27, 2018.

“I am pleased to see the 2018 federal budget’s commitment to science and research through multi-year funding,” said President Abd-El-Aziz. “The benefits of these proposed investments will benefit post-secondary institutions and students from coast-to-coast.”

Budget 2018 proposes to invest $925 million over five years to the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIRC), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).  Budget 2018 also supports increasing diversity in science through greater collaboration between the granting councils, research funding recipients and improved support for women, underrepresented groups, and early-career researchers.

President Abd-El-Aziz noted that UPEI’s priorities, including involvement with the industry-led Ocean Supercluster, align well with Budget 2018 given our strong research capabilities from across the fields of science, engineering, climate change, environmental studies, and veterinary medicine which are already making positive impacts on Canada’s ocean economy. 

President Abd-El-Aziz added, “We look forward to working with our federal government partners in the months and years to come to help support our number-one priority which is to develop our future leaders through robust experiential learning and research opportunities that allows our students to achieve their full potential.”

You can find the Universities Canada 2018 Federal Budget news release here.

The University of Prince Edward Island prides itself on people, excellence, and impact and is committed to assisting students reach their full potential in both the classroom and community. With roots stemming from two founding institutions—Prince of Wales College and Saint Dunstan’s University—UPEI has a reputation for academic excellence, research innovation, and creating positive impacts locally, nationally, and internationally. UPEI is the only degree granting institution in the province and is proud to be a key contributor to the growth and prosperity of Prince Edward Island.





Krista Grant
Marketing and Communications
(902) 566-0760

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