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CVMA honours veterinarian Dr. Jeanne Lofstedt

Recognizing achievement in veterinary medicine
| Atlantic Veterinary College

Congratulations to Dr. Jeanne Lofstedt, Professor of Large Animal Medicine at AVC, on being awarded with a Life Membership in the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) for her outstanding contributions to the Association and to the veterinary profession worldwide.

Dr. Lofstedt was honoured during the CVMA’s annual convention held in Charlottetown in July. The following is a media release issued by the CVMA on July 14, 2017, to mark Dr. Lofstedt’s achievements:

P.E.I. veterinarian honoured nationally for outstanding contributions to the veterinary profession

OTTAWA, ON – Dr. Jeanne Lofstedt is being honoured with a Life Membership to the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) for her significant contributions to the CVMA and veterinary profession worldwide.

“We are pleased to honour Dr. Jeanne Lofstedt with a Life Membership to the CVMA,” says Dr. Troy Bourque, 2016-17 CVMA President. “We will forever be grateful for her over 20 years of service to our Association and her dedication to the profession.”

Dr. Lofstedt has held various leadership positions at the Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC) and volunteer positions in various veterinary organizations, including the CVMA. Amongst others, she served as the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs at AVC, was a member of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Examination Committee, a member of the Journal of Veterinary Medical Education Editorial Board, a North American Veterinary Licensing Examination item writer, a site visit team member for the American Veterinary Medical Association Council on Education and the CVMA, a member of the CVMA National Issues and Professional Development Committees, and served as CVMA President from 2002-2003. Dr. Lofstedt has been the Scientific Program Coordinator for the CVMA since 2004.

Born in Benoni, South Africa, summers spent on the sheep and dairy farms of close relatives, the influence of a veterinarian uncle, as well as the opportunity to volunteer at a mixed animal practice during high school inspired her to pursue a career in veterinary medicine. In 1975, Dr. Lofstedt received her Bachelor of Veterinary Science degree with honours from the University of Pretoria in South Africa and was awarded the Sir Arnold Theiler Medal for the student with the highest academic standing overall.

After seven months in a mixed animal practice in Krugersdorp, South Africa, she was accepted into a Rotating Internship in Large Animal Medicine and Surgery at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine in Saskatoon. In 1981, she completed a three-year residency in food animal medicine and surgery and received a Master of Science degree in Pathology, both at Iowa State University. Dr. Lofstedt then joined Tufts University as an Assistant Professor in Large Animal Medicine from 1981 to 1987 and became Board Certified in Large Animal Internal Medicine in 1987. That same year she moved to Prince Edward Island to assume a faculty position at AVC where she currently holds the position of Professor of Large Animal Medicine in the Department of Health Management.

Dr. Lofstedt plans to join her husband, Dr. Rob Lofstedt, also a veterinarian, in retirement in January of 2018. She hopes to maintain her connection to the profession through various volunteer opportunities.

“Dr. Jeanne Lofstedt has been invaluable in building the academic foundations of the Atlantic Veterinary College. In so many ways, she defines professionalism for her students and for us, as colleagues. The profound effect she has had on her clients, her students, and the veterinary community is reflected in the utmost respect universally expressed by everyone who knows her or her work,” says Dr. Larry Hammell, Professor and Associate Dean, Graduate Studies and Research, Atlantic Veterinary College. “We are so grateful that she came to practice veterinary medicine in Canada so many years ago and even more grateful that she chose to share her wisdom and compassion in building the Atlantic Veterinary College.”

Life Membership is presented to a CVMA member for long and outstanding service on CVMA Council, Executive, Boards and Committees, or for outstanding contributions to the veterinary profession.

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The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) is the national and international voice for Canada’s veterinarians, providing leadership and advocacy for veterinary medicine. Each year, CVMA proudly recognizes individuals and groups for their outstanding contribution to veterinary medicine. Visit to learn more about CVMA.


Tanya Frye, Manager Communications and Public Relations
Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA)
613-236-1162 ext. 128 or


Anna MacDonald
AVC External Relations Officer
Atlantic Veterinary College
(902) 566-6786