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What’s in a name? Parity, according to UPEI Dean of Business

Senate, Board approve name change for Business
| University

At recent meetings, the UPEI Senate and Board of Governors approved a name change for the UPEI School of Business; effective immediately, the former “School” will now officially be called the UPEI Faculty of Business.

With Business student enrolment and course registrations on the rise, the success of students at national and international competitions, increasing demand for graduate level programs and courses, and the generation of new research programs and centres, faculty members in UPEI's School of Business unanimously felt it was time to be elevated to a “Faculty” status. 

“As currently the third largest academic area on campus with student numbers rivaling those in the Faculty of Arts, changing the School of Business to a Faculty of Business will bring parity among units,” said Dean of Business Juergen Krause. “Education, a much smaller faculty, already has this status, so we thought it reasonable to propose a change.”

When the University of Prince Edward Island was established in 1969, business programs were administered by a Department of Business Administration consisting of five faculty members and serving a total enrolment of 200 students. Driven by the desire to manage both the academic and administrative aspects of business programs, faculty members proposed the formation of the School of Business in 1982. Since its creation in 1983, the School has further evolved and expanded, now offering a breadth of undergraduate programs and the executive Master of Business Administration program to almost 800 students who are served by 15 full-time faculty and over 30 sessional instructors.



Nicole Phillips
Associate Director
Marketing and Communications
(902) 566-0947

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