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UPEI alumnus wins J.J. Talman Award from the Ontario Historical Society

| Alumni

Dr. Ryan O’Connor, a historical consultant, writer, and graduate of the University of Prince Edward Island, was recently honoured with the J.J. Talman Award from the Ontario Historical Society (OHS) for his book The First Green Wave: Pollution Probe and the Origins of Environmental Activism in Ontario, published by UBC Press.

The First Green Wave traces the emergence of the environmental movement in Ontario from its beginning in the late 1960s to the 1980s. Drawing on a wide range of sources, including the memories of many of those people directly involved in the creation of Pollution Probe and other organizations, Dr. O’Connor’s book illustrates how concerned citizens laid the groundwork for environmental action by pioneering ways to publicize environmental issues, raise funds for the movement, and work effectively with diverse interest groups.

The award was presented at the annual general meeting of the Ontario Historical Society at the Ontario Legislative Assembly in Toronto, Ontario. Dr. O’Connor was also honoured at the event as co-recipient of the OHS Riddell Award, which recognizes the best article on Ontario history published in the previous year. He received the award with co-author Dr. Owen Temby for “Property, Technology and Environmental Policy: The Politics of Acid Rain in Ontario, 1978-1985,” published in The Journal of Policy History.

Dr. Edward MacDonald, chair of the UPEI Department of History, applauded Dr. O’Connor’s achievement. “Ryan is a first-rate historian. We are proud to call him one of our own, and to have had some small part in launching his scholarly career.”

Congratulations, Dr. O’Connor!

The University of Prince Edward Island prides itself on people, excellence, and impact, and is committed to assisting students reach their full potential in both the classroom and community. With roots stemming from two founding institutions—Prince of Wales College and Saint Dunstan’s University—UPEI has a reputation for academic excellence, research innovation, and creating positive impacts locally, nationally, and internationally. UPEI is the only degree granting institution in the province and is proud to be a key contributor to the growth and prosperity of Prince Edward Island.


Dave Atkinson
Research Communications Officer
Marketing and Communications
(902) 620-5117

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