This News Story is more than 9 years old. Links and contact information may have changed.

UPEI holds Open Class Day for prospective students

| Prospective Students

The University of Prince Edward Island will welcome prospective students during Open Class Day 2016 on Friday, March 11, from 8:15 am to 4:30 pm. The day starts at 8:15 am with a welcome session for prospective students in the Dr. Steel Recital Hall.

Participants can attend a selection of first-year classes in the faculties of Arts, Business and Science, and they can participate in hands-on labs, campus tours and information sessions about new student orientation, scholarships and awards, and other relevant topics. They will receive assistance with on-site admission and registration to prepare for the start of classes in September 2016, and enjoy free lunch at the Wanda Wyatt Dining Hall.

Prospective students are coming to Open Class Day from across PEI, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. To register, go to For more information, contact Morgan Byng at



Anna MacDonald
Communications Officer
Marketing and Communications
(902) 566-0949