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Public talk: Innovation—at the core of value creation

| Research

UPEI's Executive MBA Program, in partnership with Island Advance and the PEI BioAlliance, is hosting a public talk by Jacques Dénommée, a founding partner of AXIAStrategists, a collaborative platform of strategic advisors with more than 30 years of experience in team management. The talk is entitled 'Innovation: at the Core of Value Creation' and takes place at 6:30 pm, Wednesday, April 29 in the Alex H. MacKinnon Auditorium, room 242 of UPEI's Don and Marion McDougall Hall. The event will also include a Q & A session.

What drives value within the entrepreneurial journey? The development of a good product and a superior ability to deliver its benefits to clients is central to good business practices. However, that formula may be the demise of a business if it is not constantly challenged by the possibilities emerging from the business environment.

Dénommée will explore the role of dynamic innovation in business sustainability, discuss the primary challenges to an innovative culture, and examine tools and practices to assist businesses in maximizing value creation.

Prior to founding AXIAStrategists, Dénommée was an investment partner with a leading Canadian venture capital fund. He has held key board positions and participated in the development of various Canadian companies, such as Miranda Technologies, Metrowerks, Optosecurity, Netistix (BSM), Télécité and Sciemetrics. Jacques is also heavily involved in several innovative platforms such as NSERC program i2i, Devtech (Quebec International), and University Business Games. He regularly lectures at McGill's Desautels Faculty of Management, Université Laval, and Hautes Études Commerciales on the theme of value creation and sustainable economic development through the creation of innovative ecosystems. He is also the author of The Business Paradox, published by Friesen Press.

For more information: 902-566-6474 or


Dave Atkinson
Communications Officer
Integrated Communications