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UPEI research project needs your photos of Prince Edward Island lupines

| Research

As Prince Edward Island's iconic lupine flowers burst into blooms of pink, purple, and white, snap a photo and send it to researchers at the University of Prince Edward Island. Dr. Karen Samis, assistant professor of biology, is using photos from the public to help answer questions about genetic diversity and distribution-and why it is that purple flowers are much more abundant than white or pink.

Dig into your photo archive for images of lupine flowers, then visit Upload your photo and tell us approximately where and when you took it. The site is mobile friendly and allows you to send images right from your phone.

Anecdotal evidence says purple lupines were the first to arrive on Prince Edward Island, with other colours coming after. Your contribution to this project can help answer questions about genetic diversity and distribution.

For more information, or to submit your photos, visit

For information:
Dave Atkinson, Research Communications Officer, UPEI
(902) 620-5117,


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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