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Discussing the value of the RN in creating positive change and transforming health care

| Research

UPEI's School of Nursing hosted two days of discussion, dialogue, and research about the value of the Registered Nurse in creating transformative change in health care at the Atlantic Region Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (ARCASN) research conference and the UPEI School of Nursing/Health PEI Nursing Research Day. Dr. Gina Browne, a distinguished researcher and founding director of Ontario's Health and Social Service Utilization Research Unit, gave two keynote presentations outlining her research to transform healthcare through educational preparation and practice.

Dr. Browne advocates for Registered Nurses to identify the 1-5% of patients who use the greatest amount of health resources and to follow their cases over time. She says building proactive relationships outside of the hospital could help take the burden off of other parts of the health care system. 'And we could do so without competing with other health care providers,' explained Dr. Browne. '95% of patients don't need this kind of care because they can be treated in a more generalist atmosphere.'

The ARCASN research conference and the Nursing Research Day wrapped up Friday, May 23. Dr. Rosemary Herbert, Dean of UPEI's School of Nursing, gives special thanks to the conference's organizing committee, including Sherry Arsenault, Angela Carpenter, Kendra Cote, Karen Dunn, Dawn Inman-Flynn, Audrey Fraser, Cheryl Gaudet, Janet MacIntyre, Pat MacPhail-Darrach, Melanie McCarthy, Christina Murray, Keri Thompson, and Jessica Webster.

For information:
Dave Atkinson, Research Communications, UPEI
(902) 620-5117


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications