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“Romantic Music for a Summer Evening” concert July 28

| People

On Saturday, July 28, an unusual combination of instruments will be featured in a concert entitled 'Romantic Music for a Summer Evening.' Beginning at 7:30 pm in the Dr. Steel Recital Hall, audience members will be treated to a rare trio by composer Carl Reinecke. Few trios in the traditional chamber music literature combine clarinet (Karem J. Simon), horn (David Parker), and piano (Frances Gray), and this is quite possibly a premiere performance of such a concert on PEI.

Another featured work added to the program is the wonderfully mature Sonata in F Minor for clarinet and piano by Johannes Brahms, a contemporary of Reinecke. Rounding out the evening will be a set of romantic 'Pieces Melodiques' for horn and piano by the French composer Charles Gounod.

Everyone is welcome to attend the concert and tickets ($15 adult; $10 seniors/students) will be available at the door beginning at 7:00 pm.


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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