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UPEI congratulates largest graduating class at convocation 2012

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Over 900 graduates crossed the stage to receive their degrees, diplomas, and certificates, during convocation on Saturday, May 12. UPEI's class of 2012 and their proud family and friends gathered in the Chi-Wan Young Sports Centre for two ceremonies, the first beginning at 10:00 am and the second at 2:30 pm.

Three honorary degrees were conferred upon J. Michael Bliss, historian and academic; Frank Zakem, businessman, politician, and administrator; and Derek Key, lawyer and community leader.

In his convocation remarks to the morning graduates, Bliss advised them not to take themselves too seriously, and although he surmised that they would not remember what he said (Bliss states in one of his books, 'whoever remembers what a graduation speaker says?'), he hoped they would remember one word, 'balance.'

Bliss went on to challenge graduates to balance their work and personal lives. 'Almost all of us should turn off our computers and our smartphones and look up at the real world.'

Key addressed the afternoon convocation and explained 'common people can do amazingly uncommon things,' and that everyone is responsible for their own happiness and responsible for the energy that they bring into each day. 'Your job does not define you. Your job or your profession merely will give you the tools and the talents to move forward and perhaps enrich someone else's life,' said Key. 'In doing so, you will enrich your own.'

Two Newfoundlanders delivered the valedictory addresses during this year's convocation ceremonies. Sarah O'Donnell who received her Bachelor of Education degree, gave the morning address, while Amy Wilson who was awarded her Bachelor of Music Education degree, addressed her fellow graduates in the afternoon.

While a number of prizes were awarded at events leading up to convocation, the Governor-General Medals were presented by the Honourable H. Frank Lewis, Lieutenant-Governor of PEI, during the afternoon convocation to graduate student Adam Proud (Master of Science) of Charlottetown, and to undergraduate student Runmin Shi (Bachelor of Science-Honours Mathematics) of Zhu Zhou, Hunan, China.

Check out 2012 Convocation photos here!


Sheila Kerry
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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