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Study-abroad students arrive in Salamanca, Spain

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Twelve University of Prince Edward Island students, along with UPEI associate professor and chair of Modern Languages, Dr. Doreley Coll, arrived in Salamanca, Spain, June 30, as part of ‘Spanish 203,' a four week immersion language and culture course.

Offered at the University of Salamanca, one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Europe, the course seeks to broaden language skills acquired in first year Spanish (Spanish 101 and 102). During the four week program, students study at the university that was founded in 1227, but will also experience Spain's civilization and culture through field trips to Madrid, Toledo, Avila and El Escorial. Students are billeted with Spanish families.

The course is designed to consolidate grammar, common idiomatic expressions, and to increase active vocabulary, and features classroom study, daily oral-cultural session in authentic settings, and local excursions and sightseeing tours on weekends.

For more information on Spanish 203, click here.


Nicole Phillips
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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