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Farewell, President MacLauchlan

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June 30 marks the final day as UPEI president and vice-chancellor for Wade MacLauchlan, after 12 years of dedicated service. The students, faculty, staff, alumni, and entire UPEI community wish him all the best as he embarks on the next phase of his life.

Under President MacLauchlan's leadership, the University demonstrated its capacity to employ brains, ambition, and talent - enhanced by education - to challenge ourselves, to aim for the 'next level up,' and to succeed against standards of competitive excellence.

We thank Wade for instilling in all of us, raised expectations.

To read the retrospective by Marian Bruce about President MacLauchlan's tenure at UPEI, click here.

To read President MacLauchlan's June 22nd newsletter, 'Raised Expectations,' click here.


Nicole Phillips
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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