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UPEI president recognized in Legislative Assembly

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Both government and opposition members celebrated University of Prince Edward Island President Wade MacLauchlan during the sitting of the Legislative Assembly, Thursday, May 12, some calling it ‘Wade MacLauchlan Day at the House.'

Minister of Innovation and Advanced Learning Allan Campbell read a statement at approximately 3:00 pm and Leader of the Opposition Olive Crane tabled a resolution shortly after, both thanking President MacLauchlan for 12 years of service to UPEI and to the Province.

House Statement by Hon. Allan Campbell: "Wade MacLauchlan"
Motion No. 61: "Prince Edward Island thanks Wade MacLauchlan"

Many members of the Legislative Assembly spoke to support the motion, a number of them recounting their days at UPEI as students and how much growth they have since witnessed at the University as a result of President MacLauchlan's leadership. Others commented on specific improvements to both infrastructure and programming during MacLauchlan's tenure. All who spoke commended him for his passion and dedication to the University and, subsequently, the motion was carried unanimously. Leader of the Opposition Olive Crane greets UPEI President Wade MacLauchlan at Province House.Leader of the Opposition Olive Crane greets UPEI President Wade MacLauchlan at Province House.

Representatives from the UPEI Board of Governors, Student Union, and staff and faculty joined MacLauchlan in the gallery for the proceedings.

President MacLauchlan finishes his term on June 30 with his successor, Dr. Alaa Abd-El-Aziz, beginning July 1.


Nicole Phillips
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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