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Star Predator plays like a Panther

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The hockey world is abuzz about the performance of Nashville Predators star forward Joel Ward. Ward's stellar performance in the playoffs has sports pundits tracing his path to greatness, and finding it leads straight to UPEI.

Ward played four years on the UPEI Panthers from 2001-2005 before moving on to the Houston Aeros in the AHL. It's not a typical route to the NHL, but the hard-working Ward attracted the attention of the Minnesota Wild in a rare open tryout in 2006, eventually moving two years later to the Predators.

The NHL has featured the former Panther in one of its History Will Be Made spots for TV and YouTube.

May 5, Ward was the subject of an Inside Hockey profile on CBC Television Hockey Night in Canada.

See also:

Former UPEI Panther making big waves in NHL series, Charlottetown Guardian.

Pred's Ward making most of opportunity, Globe and Mail.

Ward hopes to win one for Mom, Fox News.

Resilient Predators stay alive,

From UPEI to Music City: Ward providing timely offence for Predators, The Tyee.

Ward's NHL road went through CIS-- University stint key to his development: Vancouver Sun.


Nicole Phillips
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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