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Soccer Panthers add midfielders for 2011-12

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Kim Brown and Danae Iatrou commit to the women's soccer program

The University of Prince Edward Island women's soccer Panthers have added talented centre midfielder Kim Brown, from Vancouver, BC, and winger Danae Iatrou, from Halifax, NS, to an already gifted lineup for the 2011-12 season.

'We are very excited about adding players of this exceptional talent to the roster. Danae has had success at every level she's played at, and Kim has been pursued by NCAA division 1 as well as top CIS schools. Their impact will be immediate and we are thrilled to add both of these strong student athletes to our program,' explained head coach Michael Redmond.

Brown grew up on Vancouver Island, in a small town called Lantzville, where she began playing competitive soccer at age 10. From there, she continued playing on various Metro and Super Y teams and also attended the Olympic Development Program. After a couple years in the girls' Metro league, Brown entered the premiere women's league with Nanaimo United.

'A few years back, I went to a soccer camp put together by a local coach,' Brown said. 'He talked about some players he knew who had gone to the east coast to play soccer, and how every single one of them loved it; that really made me think. I knew I wanted to keep on playing soccer when I went to school, but I wasn't sure where. I researched a number of universities and came across great reviews and articles about the Panthers. When I learned about the school's small class sizes, course offerings, etc., I became very interested, and sent an email to Coach Redmond.'

She added, 'I was unbelievably happy when I received a call a few days later. The help and support I have received from Coach and from other faculty at the school have been amazing, and very appreciated-another reason why I chose UPEI.'

Known for her hard midfield play, Brown will be looking to help the Panthers win AUS and CIS championships. 'In my rookie year, I will be striving to bring both intensity and aggression onto the field. I consider myself a good teammate on and off the pitch, and I hope to bring that quality along with my confidence to the team,' stated Brown.

Danae Iatrou from Halifax, NS passed on several other AUS schools as well as institutions in Quebec and the US for an opportunity to study at UPEI. Iatrou has been playing soccer since 2003 in Nova Scotia, and has a wonderful passion for the game.

'Danae has achieved success at every level-at tourneys in the US, at provincial and national club championships-and that kind of experience is invaluable going forward,' stated Redmond.

'After checking out several schools in the Atlantic provinces, Quebec, and Maine, I decided UPEI will be my home for the next four years. The welcome I received and the quality of the academic and soccer programs are second to none. I look so forward to achieving with the Panthers-my expectation as a rookie is to ‘earn my stripes,' improve my game, and make a fine contribution each time I play,' explained Iatrou.

The soccer Panthers open the season on the road in Halifax on September 10 and 11 versus Dalhousie and Saint Mary's, respectively.


Nicole Phillips
Media Relations and Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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