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UPEI Senate and Board of Governors unanimously urge consultation

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The Senate and Board of Governors of UPEI have both unanimously adopted a common position regarding proposed changes to post-secondary education in the province of Prince Edward Island.

The Board of Governors met Thursday evening for its regularly scheduled meeting and unanimously passed the following resolution:

'Be it resolved that the Board of Governors strongly urges the Minister to allow sufficient time for consultation to take place with all stakeholders before making any changes to the University Act or introducing a Degree Granting Act.'

'The Board of Governors is deeply concerned that amendments proposed to section 38 of the Act have not been thoroughly considered as to their effect on the university's independence,' said Mr. Frederick E. Hyndman, Chairman of the Board. 'We seek time for consultation and careful study.'

UPEI's Senate, meeting Friday afternoon for a special sitting, endorsed a similar statement.

'Be it resolved that Senate strongly urges the Minister to allow sufficient time for consultation with all stakeholders before making any changes to the University Act or introducing a Degree Granting Act.'

The statements echo sentiment being expressed by several groups, including the Association of Atlantic Universities (AAU), the UPEI Alumni Association, the UPEI Student Union, and countless individuals.

Find background on this story, and read what Islanders are saying about these proposed changes at

PDF link: Discussion Paper for Senate: Proposal to Introduce a Degree Granting Act in Prince Edward Island and to Amend the University Act


Dave Atkinson
Communications Officer
Integrated Communications

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