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First Nations members graduate with Certificate in Project Management

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Eighteen participants from Lennox Island and Abegweit First Nations and employees of the Mi'kmaq Confederacy of PEI recently completed a 210 hour Certificate in Project Management that was delivered in Charlottetown and Summerside by the Centre for Life-Long Learning at the University of Prince Edward Island.

The content was based on the Project Management Body of Knowledge and supplemented by content on team work, writing project proposals, effective communication, presentation skills and evaluation.

'The Centre for Life-Long learning at the University of Prince Edward Island is proud to have partnered with the Mi'kmaq Confederacy of PEI in presenting this customized project management program. The uniqueness of this program is in its focus on developing skills which go beyond the usual transfer of knowledge. The participants had the opportunity to exchange with, and learn from, expert practitioners in the field and facilitators well-versed in adult education,' says Gilbert Ladéroute, Manager of Conflict Resolution Studies and Professional Development.

Chief Brian Francis of the Abegweit First Nation and Jeanette MacAulay, Director of the Centre for Life-Long Learning, presented participants with their certificates.

Contact: Gilbert Ladéroute, Manager, Conflict Resolution Studies and Professional Development, (902) 566-0707.


Anne McCallum
Communications Co-ordinator, Integrated Communications

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