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Public forum co-hosted by IIS and MP Shawn Murphy on March 16

| Alumni

On March 16, the University of Prince Edward Island's Institute of Island Studies and MP Shawn Murphy will co-host Challenges and Opportunities: the next 25 years, a public event to engage Islanders to join the process of planning for the Island's future.

This event will take place at 6:30 p.m. at the Carrefour de l'Isle-Saint-Jean (5 Acadian Drive, Charlottetown).

A panel of local and regional speakers will identify current strengths and future opportunities for building a more vibrant, progressive and sustainable Island society.

'To get there from here involves coming to grips with some serious challenges,' warns Dr. Irene Novaczek, the director of the Institute of Island Studies, 'But we also have enviable human, cultural and natural resources that will help us redefine the future and its challenges, while still capitalizing on emerging opportunities.'

Discussions will focus on the economy, the environment, health, education, arts and culture. Taking into consideration some of the unique challenges we face on P.E.I., including fiscal constraints, an ageing population, and climate change.

Speakers include:

• Blake Doyle, economy
• Joanne MacDonald, life long learning
• Dr. Noni MacDonald, e-health
• Wendy MacDonald, demographic challenges
• Todd Maclean, culture and community
• Christina Macleod, climate change
• Shawn Murphy MP, fiscal challenges
• Dr. Irene Novaczek, environmental challenges

Forum participants will have an opportunity to work in small groups, discuss these themes and report back with key ideas that will help to move the Island forward.

'This is a first step, a call to action, where we can all participate in the conversation about where we want to be in the future,' notes Charlottetown MP Shawn Murphy. ' I believe there are a number of issues that do require a public discussion.'

For more information, please contact: Dianne Porter at (902) 892-4923 or


Anna MacDonald
Media Relations and Communications, Integrated Communications

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