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UPEI faculty members honoured for teaching and research excellence

| Alumni

UPEI faculty members were recently recognized for teaching and research achievements at a reception and awards banquet sponsored by the UPEI Faculty Association and the Office of the President.

Dr. Pedro Quijon, Department of Biology, and Dr. Catherine Innes-Parker, Department of English, won the Hessian Awards for Excellence in Teaching. UPEI Merit Awards for Scholarly Achievement went to Dr. Henry Srebrnik, Political Studies; Dr. Debbie MacLellan, Family and Nutritional Sciences; and Dr. Larry Hammell, Atlantic Veterinary College.

The Hessian Award is given to a faculty member who has shown outstanding competence in teaching, and the Merit Awards for Scholarly Achievement to faculty members who have made significant and continuing contributions to scholarly research.

In the almost four years that Quijon has been at UPEI, he has established a reputation among biology students as a rigorous, demanding professor who sets high standards. He has also developed a strong reputation for motivating his students to learn and to succeed, giving them the tools and the confidence to accomplish their goals. He teaches a variety of courses in marine biology at both the undergraduate and graduate level; he frequently integrates the results of his own research into the student learning experience in the classroom and the field.

Innes-Parker infuses her teaching with her research and uses creative ways to engage her students in her medieval English literature and thought courses--from Chaucerian pilgrimages to the construction of medieval manuscript books, from mock trials to the creation of learning communities. She presents frequently at conferences on issues of teaching and learning and is a leader in advancing the teaching of medievalism. This fall, she will guide students through the intersections of literature, art, and religious thought in a team-taught integrated program of study at Memorial University's Harlow campus in Essex.

Srebrnik is widely known as an expert on nationalism and small islands. He has published numerous articles in refereed scholarly journals and chapters in edited volumes. His scholarship has been cited in at least 101 book chapters, journal articles and book reviews; 57 books; 12 theses; and numerous working and unpublished papers. He is a frequent contributor to 30 newspapers including the Guardian, Globe and Mail, National Post and Washington Post. His most recent publication is a book named 'Jerusalem on the Amur: Birobidzhan and the Canadian Jewish Communist Movement, 1924-1951.'

MacLellan currently holds just under $1 million in research funding, and has published widely, including 14 refereed manuscripts and 14 abstracts or conference presentations in the last five years. She has supervised or co-supervised five MSc graduate and three BSc honours undergraduate students. Since 2004 she has been co-principal investigator for the Masters of Applied Health Services Research (MAHSR) program, a joint degree program involving UPEI, Dalhousie, University of New Brunswick and Memorial University of Newfoundland. She is also director of the Integrated Dietetic Internship Program in the Faculty of Science.

An internationally recognized aquatic epidemiologist, Hammell teaches in AVC's Department of Health Management. Since 2003, he has served as director of the AVC Centre for Aquatic Health Sciences. His accumulated research funding of over $10 million, impact on the aquaculture industry and international recognition have grown tremendously in the past six years, winning him the Pfizer Award for Research Excellence, AVC, in 2006. He has published more than 28 refereed manuscripts, nine peer-reviewed special publications or proceedings, and 37 non-reviewed conference proceedings and abstracts. He has co-supervised two MSc and seven PhD students.


Anna MacDonald
Media Relations and Communications, Integrated Communications

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