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Montague High student wins scholarship to attend Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific

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Sarah Haberl, a Grade 11 student at Montague Regional High School, is the winner of the 2008 Pearson College Scholarship for Prince Edward Island.

This prestigious award covers full tuition and residence for two years of study at the Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific in British Columbia. The selection committee for the P.E.I. scholarship was comprised of UPEI's Tamara Leary, acting director of Student Services; student counsellor Rose Ellen Ghiz; and assistant registrar Darcy McCardle.

A memorial to the late Prime Minister and Nobel Peace Prize winner Lester B. Pearson, the college is located on the shores of the Pacific Ocean at Pender Bay on Vancouver Island. One of 11 United World colleges around the world, it promotes the cause of international understanding by creating an environment in which students from many countries and cultures come together to study and to serve the community. Each year, 200 students from over 80 countries, including representatives from each Canadian province and territory, attend Pearson College.

Haberl, the 16-year-old daughter of Iris Solomon from High Bank, P.E.I., and Franz Haberl of Montreal, Quebec, has wanted to attend Pearson College since she first heard about it in grade seven.

'I am so excited to go and start this new chapter in my life! I hope to make some great new friends and experience different cultures. All my life I have wanted to travel and work with impoverished people, trying to improve their lives and situations. This scholarship gives me just that opportunity. I want to do something in international relations or law in the future, so having Pearson College as part of my background will be an amazing head start.'

The demanding curriculum challenges the students to excel and leads to the completion of the international baccalaureate. Over the two years, students complete their last year of high school, and may earn credits toward their first year of university. In addition to the rigorous academic program, they are extensively involved in physical activities, the fine arts, social services and community projects.

This year, six exceptional candidates were interviewed for the one scholarship available.

'Nominating one candidate for the scholarship was a challenge because all six were motivated, academically strong and well-rounded individuals,' says Leary, chair of the selection committee. 'Sarah is very involved in her community, an athlete and a stellar student at MRHS. We are delighted that Pearson accepted our committee's recommendation and are confident that Sarah will be an excellent ambassador for P.E.I.'


Anna MacDonald
Media Relations and Communications, Integrated Promotions

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