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University of Prince Edward Island hires coordinator for Global Issues course

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The University of Prince Edward Island has hired Angela Larter, of Charlottetown, as coordinator of its innovative and exciting Global Issues 151: Critical Thinking and Writing course.

Larter, who began her position on May 12, brings over 10 years of experience in education and coordination to the position. She comes to UPEI from Holland College where she worked from 1998 to 2006 as a science and math instructor for adults who were upgrading their education and from 2006 to 2007 as a related services learning manager in post-secondary trade and technology programs in Slemon Park. Before taking her current position at UPEI, she coordinated professional development activities for Holland College's staff.

A native of West Prince, P.E.I., Larter attended UPEI after graduating from Westisle Composite High School. She earned a Bachelor of Science, with a major in biology and a minor in English, in 1996, and a Bachelor of Education in 1998.

She is enrolled part-time in UPEI's Master of Education in Leadership in Learning degree program, and is now working on her thesis. She is currently chair of the P.E.I. Literacy Alliance, and was faculty representative on Holland College's board of governors from 2004 to 2007.

'Angela brings a wealth of skills and experience to this position,' said Dr. Graham Pike, Dean of Education. 'Her administrative and leadership abilities, developed at Holland College, and her interest in adult literacy are an ideal combination to help us launch this course in the fall semester.'

Global Issues 151 is a foundational writing course that will provide students with an interdisciplinary approach to contemporary communication skills through the lens of current global issues. Students will develop skills to write effectively, think critically and communicate clearly through a combination of expert instruction, presentations by high-profile speakers, and individual and small-group mentoring. All first-year students in arts, business, science and nursing must take this course, which is required for graduation.

The course will open in September with an exhibition and presentations by Carlos Reyes-Manzo, an internationally-renowned photojournalist. Originally from Chile, Reyes-Manzo now lives in the UK. He was deported from Chile in 1976, after being held in prison for two years by the Pinochet regime. Through powerful photography, he has been documenting the lives of people, particularly those of children, for 30 years. His work has been exhibited and published extensively, and it has taken him many places, including Sri Lanka, Iraq, India, Nepal, Central America and Ethiopia.


Anna MacDonald
Media Relations and Communications, Integrated Promotions

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