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UPEI Welcomes Return to Classes April 6

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The University of Prince Edward Island and the UPEI Faculty Association have reached an agreement that will see students return to classes on Thursday, April 6 following a two-week faculty strike.

"We welcome this new five-year agreement as a platform for UPEI's continued success," said UPEI President Wade MacLauchlan. "The crucial factor in this success, and in this agreement, is a talented faculty dedicated to providing a first-class educational experience at UPEI."

The President thanked students for their patience and leadership throughout the strike, and expressed appreciation to all members of the UPEI community for showing a true sense of commitment to the University over the last two weeks.

The UPEI Board of Governors approved the agreement this afternoon. Details of revised class and exam schedules have been posted on the UPEI website at The new schedule was worked out following consultations with students and Deans. The proposal for additional days of classes must be approved by the UPEI Senate. The Senate will meet on Thursday evening.


Anne McCallum
Media Relations and Communications