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Call for Nominations – Canadian Academy of Health Sciences
Event Date:
Friday, January 27, 2017, 12:00 pm
Atlantic Veterinary College
280N, Learning Commons
Call for Nominations – Canadian Academy of Health Sciences
Fellowship in the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (CAHS) is one of the highest honours that can be awarded for lifetime contributions to the health sciences in Canada. CAHS has recently put out a call for new nominations.
Dr. Andrew Tasker, one of only two CAHS fellows at UPEI, will provide an overview of the Academy, it's role in providing guidance to policy makers, and will describe the process for preparation and submission of new nominations. This information session will take place from 12:00-13:00 on Friday, January 27th in AVC 280N, Learning Commons.
All UPEI faculty are welcome to attend. For those who are interested but cannot attend a copy of the presentation can be obtained from Dr. Tasker by request to “”
Contact Name
Rosemary McIver
(902) 566-0542