This Event is more than 7 years old. Links and contact information may have changed.

Glow Night to Shine a Light

Event Date:
Wednesday, November 16, 2016, 6:30 pm
W.A. Murphy Student Centre
McMillan Hall
$5 per person
Have you heard of the World University Service of Canada (WUSC) committee at UPEI? We're doing what we can to sponsor student from refugee camps so that they can come study at UPEI, but most of the students who finish high school in the camps are boys. There are FOUR TIMES more boys than girls in schools in refugee camps! To actively help improve this ratio we are putting on a night of glow-in-the-dark UFIT to support the Shine A Light Campaign. Money from the event ($5 entry per person) will help girls in refugee camps through remedial classes, scholarships, and solar lights so that they can study after dark. The end of the semester can be overwhelming and so can the refugee crisis. This event will give you the chance to take an evening to de-stress and, at the same time, do something practical to help refugees.
Contact Name
Katie VanLeeuwen