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UPEI EMBA Speaker Series: Matt Marx

Event Date:
Thursday, August 25, 2016, 4:30 pm
We are very pleased to announce that the UPEI Executive MBA program will be hosting a special guest speaker event with Matt Marx on Thursday, August 25 from 4:30 to 6:00pm at Marc's Studio, 125 Sydney Street. Most entrepreneurs focus on writing a business plan, prototyping their product, and raising capital. But they often ignore—or postpone—critical organizational issues that may have as much or more impact on their eventual success. Who should be on the founding team? How do we allocate rewards including equity? What should everyone’s roles be? Unfortunately, the “obvious” decision can be dead wrong…but the entrepreneur doesn’t realize this until it is months or years too late. Matt Marx is an Associate Professor of Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management and Mitsui Career Development Professor of Entrepreneurship at MIT Sloan School of Management. Drawing on his experience working in both Silicon Valley and Boston startups, Marx studies the systematic and institutional barriers to the growth of new ventures. He holds seven patents, and was previously an inventor and an executive at multiple startup companies in the speech recognition industry. As vice president of professional services at Tellme Networks, he led a team of 75 in growing annualized revenue from $5 million to more than $100 million. Marx holds a BS in symbolic systems from Stanford University, an SM in media arts and sciences from MIT, and an MBA and a DBA in business administration from Harvard University.  
Contact Name
Joanne Smith
(902) 894-2866