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VENUE CHANGE: Coastal Erosion and Sea Level Rise
Event Date:
Tuesday, February 11, 2014, 7:00 pm
Duffy Science Centre
Duffy Amphitheatre, room 285
Join us Tuesday, February 11 at 7:00 pm for the first presentation in the UPEI Climate Research Lab Lecture Series. Dr. Adam Fenech, director of the Climate Research Lab, will present results from recent coastal erosion research projects conducted on Prince Edward Island.
The change in PEI’s coastline has been measured mapped and analyzed from 1968 to 2010. Buildings, roads and bridges have been assessed as to their vulnerability to future coastal erosion and sea level rise. Come see how our communities will be affected.
Dr. Fenech will present the results of this research including the unveiling of a new interactive 3-D geo-visualization tool known as CLIVE. CLIVE allows stakeholders to interactively explore PEI's coastline, and scenarios of future climate change, sea-level rise and storm surges.
The presentation will take place in the Duffy Science Centre Amphitheatre, room 285 on the UPEI campus. For more information, contact the Climate Research Lab at (902)620-5221 or
Contact Name
Dave Atkinson