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Faculty of Arts Book Launch

Event Date:
Friday, January 20, 2012, 2:30 pm
SDU Main Building
Faculty Lounge
Come celebrate with us, Friday, January 20, as we launch nine new books from UPEI's faculty of arts. The event is in the Faculty Lounge of Main Building from 2:30 to 4:30 pm. UPEI's faculty of arts has a vibrant writing culture and community. This event celebrates nine new books from seven authors and editors. The titles include: Deadly fever: Racism, Disease and a Media Panic (Fernwood Publishing), by Dr. Charles Adeyanju Extreme Heritage Management (Berghahn Books, Island Studies Press), edited by Dr. Godfrey Baldacchino Island Future: Conservation and Development Across the Asia-Pacific Region (Springer), edited by Baldacchino and Niles The Quest for Mental Health: A Tale of Science, Medicine, Scandal, Sorrow, and Mass Society (Cambridge Univeristy Press), by Dr. Ian Dowbiggin The Philosophy of Punishment and the History of Political Thought (The University of Missouri Press), by Dr. Peter Koritansky Thomas Aquinas and the Philosophy of Punishment (The Catholic Univeristy of America Press), by Dr. Peter Koritansky Immigration in Small Urban Centres: Vibrant Communities of Atlantic Canada (Metropolis), by Dr. Wimal Rankaduwa (and Dr. Anther H. Akbari) Creating the Chupah: The Zionist Movement and the Drive for Jewish Communal Unity in Canada, 1899-1921 (Boston: Academic Studies Press), by Dr. Henry Srebrnik Albert Camus' Critique of Modernity (Columbia: University of Missouri Press), by Dr. Ron Srigley
Contact Name
Dave Atkinson