Mathematics (AARMS CRG) Seminar Series
Title: Random composition of two chaotic maps can give rise to nearly ordered (non-chaotic) behavior.
Speaker: Dr. Shafiqul Islam
School of Mathematical and Computational sciences, University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI)
Date: Monday, February 6 at 3:00 pm
Location: Cass, Rm. 101
Note: This talk will be delivered (Live) to Acadia and StFx via technology.
Abstract: Parrondo's Paradox states that two losing gambling games when combined one after the other (either deterministically or randomly) can result in a winning game. An analogous question in discrete time dynamical system: can two chaotic dynamical systems be combined so that the new dynamical system behaves in an ordered (non-chaotic) manner? In this talk we consider random composition of two chaotic Markov maps on an infinite partition and prove that the new dynamical system behaves in a nearly ordered manner. Also, we prove the existence of infinite absolutely continuous invariant measure.