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GIS and Spatial Analysis Workshop - August 2014

Posting Date(s)
A GIS and spatial analysis using open-source and free software workshop will be held at the Atlantic Veterinary College, August 6-8 and 11-13, with instructors Raphael Vanderstichel and Javier Sanchez. The workshop announcement and registration are posted here: This six-day workshop, given as two three-day sessions, introduces the basic concepts of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) with a structured and practical approach to the analysis of spatial data that allows for the ‘visualizing, exploring, and modeling’ of spatial data. The tools learned at the workshop can be used in a wide variety of fields, such as aquatic and wildlife epidemiology, biology, ecology, forestry, or any other area where spatial patterns require exploration and analyses. All concepts are taught and practiced using freely available software with graphical user interfaces. Material is presented as a mixture of lectures and computer-based laboratories. The first half of the workshop (days 1-3) introduces participants to the software QGIS for mapping and handling spatial data, and the second half (days 4-6) focuses on spatial data analysis, such as smoothing techniques and spatial cluster detection in space and time, using GeoDa and SaTScan. Online registration will remain open until July 31 (subject to space availability). Because the workshop is limited to 25 participants, early registration is advisable. We hope to see you there!