This Campus Notice is more than 11 years old. Links and contact information may have changed.
Short, 2-question Poll to Assess Interest in "ResponseWare" Workshops
Posting Date(s)
This very short, 2-question poll is being used to assess interest in a
couple of "ResponseWare" (clicker) workshops to be held on Tuesday, June
25. Responses accepted until Monday June 17 at noon.
Turning Technologies manufactures and supplies the physical clicker
device used by UPEI and sold in the bookstore. All first-year science
students were required to buy physical clickers starting in the fall of
2011. Individual psychology courses are continuing to pilot the
smartphone application and software versions.
Our Turning Technologies representative, Jason Ellis (phone:
888-522-8689, ext.202 or email: can also
be contacted for more information if you cannot make one of the
potential sessions listed below.
We would expect the workshop sessions to be between 60-90 minutes.
Responses are collected using the UPEI google form system and you will
need to be logged into it fill out the form.
I've invited you to fill out the form Clicker Workshop: Poll to assess
interest. To fill it out, visit:…
Lisa Steele