Campus Notices

Dr. Greg Keefe, President and Vice-Chancellor (Interim), invites you to attend the 2023 PRESIDENT’S HOLIDAY SOCIAL FOR FACULTY AND STAFF on Friday, December 15, from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm in The McCain Foundation Learning Commons,  Atlantic Veterinary College.

Celebrate with your colleagues and enjoy complimentary appetizers and refreshments while listening to students from the UPEI Music program perform songs of the season.

DONATIONS TO THE UPEI CAMPUS FOOD BANK WILL BE MATCHED! You are encouraged to bring food and monetary donations for the UPEI Campus Food Bank—the Office of the President will match the value of your support up to $10,000! Tuna, black beans, pasta, pasta sauce, and $25  gift cards are popular items.

Looking forward to seeing you all at this special time of year!

Instructors and staff are invited to drop by the UPEI Teaching and Learning Centre for a chance to connect with colleagues and take a short break from the end-of-semester rush. Our Open House will be on Thursday, December 14, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. You will find us in the Robertson Library Annex, Room 230.

UPEI has secured free access to Riipen, an online work-integrated learning platform that connects university faculty and students with industry and community partners across Canada for real, relevant project work. Join Experiential Education staff on Monday, December 18, from 2-3 pm for a demonstration of the platform to learn how you can use it in your courses.

Email Shannon at to receive a calendar invitation with a Zoom link.

The Faculty of Nursing would like to invite all to attend the public presentation of Rebecca MacLure's Master of Nursing thesis defense, "Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) from the Perspective of the Registered Nurse Working in Palliative Care." The presentation will take place in the Health Sciences Building, Room 105, starting at 10:30 a.m.

The Festive Holiday Luncheon for UPEI faculty and staff will take place on December 21 in the Wanda Wyatt Dining Hall. There will be two seatings: the first from 11:00 am to 12:15 pm, and the second from 12:30 to 1:30 pm. The cost is $17.50 (plus tax).

Reservations are required to assist with planning and to ensure there is room for everyone. Large and small groups (i.e., department teams) as well as individuals are welcome! Please RSVP to Kevin Nagy by December 15 at

Depending upon the work requirements of University departments, the Christmas holiday schedule will be in effect from December 25, 2023, through January 1, 2024, inclusive.  Office and regular business hours will resume on Tuesday, January 2, 2024. 

Payroll deadlines: 

For the December 22 pay, the deadline for PTFs, pay changes, etc., are due by noon on November 23. Timesheets/overtime are due on December 11 at 10:00 am. 

For the January 5 pay, the deadline for PTFs, pay changes, etc., are due by noon on December 7. Timesheets/overtime are due on January 2 at 10:00 am. 

For the January 19 pay, the deadline for PTFs, pay changes, etc., are due by noon on December 21. Timesheets/overtime are due on January 8. 

Additional information regarding the Christmas holiday schedule can be found at MyUPEI

Research Ethics Board (REB) applications involving "more than minimal risk" must be reviewed by the full UPEI REB. The next deadline for submitting these protocols is extended due to the holidays to Friday, January 5, 2023, for review at the January 29 meeting.

Other ethics protocol submissions, including new applications that do not involve more than minimal risk, renewals, and amendments, may be submitted at any time. They will be sent for delegated review as soon as all necessary materials are received.

All research compliance applications, including for the REB, must be submitted through the UPEI Researcher Portal ( Instructions for using the site are available at

Please contact the Compliance Coordinator at for more information about the Researcher Portal, or the REB application, review, and approval process.

The next deadline for submitting biosafety applications, including new applications, renewals, and/or amendments, is extended due to the holidays to Friday, January 5, 2023. These applications will be reviewed at the January 18 meeting.

All research compliance applications, including biosafety application forms, must be submitted through the UPEI  Researcher Portal. Information about the Researcher Portal, including instructions for using the site, is available at

Please contact the Research Compliance Coordinator at if you have any questions about accessing or using the Researcher Portal, or about the biosafety application, review, and approval process.

Dr. Greg Keefe, President and Vice-Chancellor (Interim), invites you to attend the 2023 PRESIDENT’S HOLIDAY SOCIAL FOR FACULTY AND STAFF on Friday, December 15, from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm in The McCain Foundation Learning Commons,  Atlantic Veterinary College.

Celebrate with your colleagues and enjoy complimentary appetizers and refreshments while listening to students from the UPEI Music program perform songs of the season.

DONATIONS TO THE UPEI CAMPUS FOOD BANK WILL BE MATCHED! You are encouraged to bring food and monetary donations for the UPEI Campus Food Bank—the Office of the President will match the value of your support up to $10,000! Tuna, black beans, pasta, pasta sauce, and $25  gift cards are popular items.

Looking forward to seeing you all at this special time of year!

Instructors and staff are invited to drop by the UPEI Teaching and Learning Centre for a chance to connect with colleagues and take a short break from the end-of-semester rush. Our Open House will be on Thursday, December 14, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. You will find us in the Robertson Library Annex, Room 230.

UPEI has secured free access to Riipen, an online work-integrated learning platform that connects university faculty and students with industry and community partners across Canada for real, relevant project work. Join Experiential Education staff on Monday, December 18, from 2-3 pm for a demonstration of the platform to learn how you can use it in your courses.

Email Shannon at to receive a calendar invitation with a Zoom link.

Join the December informal Post-Doc Social in the café at the Fox & Crow. Meet fellow post-docs for informal socializing, and enjoy a café drink courtesy of UPEI Graduate Studies. This informal gathering will introduce you to other UPEI post-docs, start building an interdisciplinary Post-Doc community, and gather your thoughts for future gatherings.

You are welcome to join the social for as much time as your schedule allows, anytime between 12 noon and 1:00 pm.

Can’t make it on December 13 but would like to hear about future post-doc gatherings? Reach out to Kendra Mellish, Graduate Programs Officer (, to put your name on the email list.

The Faculty of Nursing would like to invite all to attend the public presentation of Rebecca MacLure's Master of Nursing thesis defense, "Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) from the Perspective of the Registered Nurse Working in Palliative Care." The presentation will take place in the Health Sciences Building, Room 105, starting at 10:30 a.m.

Donations to the UPEI Annual Fund directly and profoundly contribute to enhanced student experiences. This year, faculty and staff are invited to designate their annual fund donation to the Robertson Library to help upgrade group and individual study spaces, refurbish teaching spaces, and expand the Special Collections space.  

As you consider your year-end charitable giving, please consider what Dr. Ed MacDonald has to say about the importance of our library: 

“The library is at the very heart of a university’s educational and research mission, the one institution on campus that serves everyone: faculty, students, staff, researchers, and the general public. And so, the excellence of a university is closely tied to the excellence of its library’s resources and staffing. As UPEI grows, the Robertson Library, too, needs to grow. I can’t think of a more appropriate way to support UPEI than by helping make an excellent library even better.”  

Ways to Give 

  1. Via payroll deduction: 
  2. Online by visiting (designate your gift to the Robertson Library) 
  3. Mail: UPEI Annual Fund, 550 University Avenue, Charlottetown, PE C1A 4P3 
  4. Telephone: (902) 894-2888 or toll-free at 1-866-453-4119 
  5. In person: Alumni Hall, 618 University Avenue, Charlottetown 
  6. Gifts of Marketable Securities: Process description and form  

Visit to learn more about the revitalization of the Robertson Library.

Dr. Greg Keefe, President and Vice-Chancellor (Interim), invites you to attend the 2023 PRESIDENT’S HOLIDAY SOCIAL FOR FACULTY AND STAFF on Friday, December 15, from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm in The McCain Foundation Learning Commons,  Atlantic Veterinary College.

Celebrate with your colleagues and enjoy complimentary appetizers and refreshments while listening to students from the UPEI Music program perform songs of the season.

DONATIONS TO THE UPEI CAMPUS FOOD BANK WILL BE MATCHED! You are encouraged to bring food and monetary donations for the UPEI Campus Food Bank—the Office of the President will match the value of your support up to $10,000! Tuna, black beans, pasta, pasta sauce, and $25  gift cards are popular items.

Looking forward to seeing you all at this special time of year!

Instructors and staff are invited to drop by the UPEI Teaching and Learning Centre for a chance to connect with colleagues and take a short break from the end-of-semester rush. Our Open House will be on Thursday, December 14, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. You will find us in the Robertson Library Annex, Room 230.

UPEI has secured free access to Riipen, an online work-integrated learning platform that connects university faculty and students with industry and community partners across Canada for real, relevant project work. Join Experiential Education staff on Monday, December 18, from 2-3 pm for a demonstration of the platform to learn how you can use it in your courses.

Email Shannon at to receive a calendar invitation with a Zoom link.

You might be looking for a podcast that you can listen to on the go or that at least frees you from looking at a screen. This podcast, called 10 minute chats on Generative AI, features short conversations with guests who bring different perspectives to generative AI and education. The most recent episode (Jan McArthur, December 12, 2023) discusses tensions between competitive assessment systems and learning-oriented motivations to use generative AI.

Using a scroll bar or arrow keys to move up and down? Try using the space bar. Press the space bar to move down and hold the shift key and press the space bar to move back up. 

Join the December informal Post-Doc Social in the café at the Fox & Crow. Meet fellow post-docs for informal socializing, and enjoy a café drink courtesy of UPEI Graduate Studies. This informal gathering will introduce you to other UPEI post-docs, start building an interdisciplinary Post-Doc community, and gather your thoughts for future gatherings.

You are welcome to join the social for as much time as your schedule allows, anytime between 12 noon and 1:00 pm.

Can’t make it on December 13 but would like to hear about future post-doc gatherings? Reach out to Kendra Mellish, Graduate Programs Officer (, to put your name on the email list.