Campus Notices

February 6 at 7 pm UPEI Main Building Faculty Lounge Please join the PEI History of Medicine Society for two fascinating talks on Canadian medical history in the nineteenth century. Our two speakers for the evening are Lisa Chilton ("Sex Scandals, Sectarianism, and Skulduggery on the Ward: Hospital Life in Mid-nineteenth-century Quebec City") and Genevieve MacDonald (“Shun Not the Struggle: Cicely Jane Georgiana Fane Pope, 1862-1938"). All are welcome! For more information about the Society, please contact Shannon Murray (, James Moran (, or Lamont Sweet (
The deadline for Biosafety Protocol Submission--new, renewal, or amendments--is Friday, February 1. Ensure you always download the current forms from and use Adobe Reader to complete forms. - Submit one copy of original protocol with signatures to 200 Kelley Memorial Building Those protocols received after the deadline will be reviewed the following month. For more information, please contact Lisa MacDougall at 620-5104. Lisa MacDougall Research Services University of Prince Edward Island (902) 620-5104

Drs Kathy Ling and Anne Marie Carey, veterinarians with AVC’s Community Practice Clinic, will give a community workshop entitled “Overweight Pets: An Expanding Problem” on Tuesday, January 29, from 7-8:30 pm in the Atlantic Veterinary College’s Lecture Theatre A. Overweight pets are prone to weight-related illnesses that can shorten their lives, such as diabetes, arthritis, or kidney disease. Drs Ling and Carey will discuss causes of weight problems in pets, health problems that overweight pets may face, and ways to help pets lose weight. Weight control and management has been cited by veterinarians as one of the most important things pet owners can do to increase the length of the lives of their pets, says a pet wellness report published in 2011 by the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association and Hill’s Pet Nutrition. According to veterinarians, overfeeding is the most common mistake pet owners make in feeding their dogs or cats. Sponsored by AVC Friends and Family, the workshop is part of AVC’s Community Workshop Series, which won a silver medal from the Canadian Council for the Advancement of Education in 2011 for Best Community Outreach Initiative. Everyone is welcome. Admission is free and refreshments will be served. For information, contact (902) 566-0589 or visit
*We've planned two, half days over the break to introduce you to some of the possibilities. Faculty from around campus have been invited to show you what they are doing online. There will also be support staff to give you a sense of what services you can use to help you get started. The sessions will take place from 1:00-4:30 pm on February 19 and 9:00 am-12:30 pm on the morning of February 20. The workshops will be held in McDougall Hall 328 with light refreshments provided. There is no cost for the sessions, but faculty are invited to register with the Centre for Life-Long Learning via email: Lisa Mackinnon-Laybolt at We also want to make it clear that the session is divided in two parts and both are meant to be attended. Questions about the event? Contact Daniel Lynds at
Similar to last year, we will be having a "Pie Your Prof" event on Thursday, January 31, as part of the Student Union's Frost Week 2013 . Students have the chance to place bids on the prof they would like to pie, and the highest bidder gets to pie their prof. Money raised goes towards a "Pimp My Lounge" contest. Frost Week is an important week for the Student Union, as it brings students, faculty, and staff together in a friendly, interfaculty rivalry. If you'd be interested in or willing to be pied in the face, please email Jon at We would really appreciate your support!
"Infectious Salmon Anemia poses no risk to humans" Dr. Larry Hammell, Professor of Health Management at the AVC, speaks with CBC Radio's Information Morning in Halifax… Dave Atkinson Research Communications Officer 620-5117
We've planned two, half days over the break to introduce you to some of the possibilities. Faculty from around campus have been invited to show you what they are doing online. There will also be support staff to give you a sense of what services you can use to help you get started. The sessions will take place from 1:00-4:30 pm on February 19 and 9:00 am-12:30 pm on the morning of February 20. The workshops will be held in McDougall Hall 328 with light refreshments provided. There is no cost for the workshop, but faculty are invited to register with the Centre for Life-Long Learning through Lisa Mackinnon-Laybolt at: Questions about the event? Contact Daniel Lynds at
The summer 2013 timetable is now available for viewing. Please note that information presented in the course timetable is subject to change and students are reminded to double-check these timetables for the most up-to-date changes. Andrea Trowbridge Registration & Scheduling Coordinator Office of the Registrar 566-0506
The elevator in the Chi-Wan Young Sports Centre will be shut down today, January 24 for the majority of the day. This is required to perform necessary repairs. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.
The summer 2013 timetable is now available for viewing. Please note that information presented in the course timetable is subject to change and students are reminded to double-check these timetables for the most up-to-date changes. Andrea Trowbridge Registration & Scheduling Coordinator Office of the Registrar 566-0506
The elevator in the Chi-Wan Young Sports Centre will be shut down today, January 24 for the majority of the day. This is required to perform necessary repairs. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.
Drs Kathy Ling and Anne Marie Carey, veterinarians with AVC’s Community Practice Clinic, will give a community workshop entitled “Overweight Pets: An Expanding Problem” on Tuesday, January 29, from 7-8:30 pm in the Atlantic Veterinary College’s Lecture Theatre A. Overweight pets are prone to weight-related illnesses that can shorten their lives, such as diabetes, arthritis, or kidney disease. Drs Ling and Carey will discuss causes of weight problems in pets, health problems that overweight pets may face, and ways to help pets lose weight. Weight control and management has been cited by veterinarians as one of the most important things pet owners can do to increase the length of the lives of their pets, says a pet wellness report published in 2011 by the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association and Hill’s Pet Nutrition. According to veterinarians, overfeeding is the most common mistake pet owners make in feeding their dogs or cats. Sponsored by AVC Friends and Family, the workshop is part of AVC’s Community Workshop Series, which won a silver medal from the Canadian Council for the Advancement of Education in 2011 for Best Community Outreach Initiative. Everyone is welcome. Admission is free and refreshments will be served. For information, contact (902) 566-0589 or visit
*We've planned two, half days over the break to introduce you to some of the possibilities. Faculty from around campus have been invited to show you what they are doing online. There will also be support staff to give you a sense of what services you can use to help you get started. The sessions will take place from 1:00-4:30 pm on February 19 and 9:00 am-12:30 pm on the morning of February 20. The workshops will be held in McDougall Hall 328 with light refreshments provided. There is no cost for the sessions, but faculty are invited to register with the Centre for Life-Long Learning via email: Lisa Mackinnon-Laybolt at We also want to make it clear that the session is divided in two parts and both are meant to be attended. Questions about the event? Contact Daniel Lynds at
Similar to last year, we will be having a "Pie Your Prof" event on Thursday, January 31, as part of the Student Union's Frost Week 2013 . Students have the chance to place bids on the prof they would like to pie, and the highest bidder gets to pie their prof. Money raised goes towards a "Pimp My Lounge" contest. Frost Week is an important week for the Student Union, as it brings students, faculty, and staff together in a friendly, interfaculty rivalry. If you'd be interested in or willing to be pied in the face, please email Jon at We would really appreciate your support!
"Infectious Salmon Anemia poses no risk to humans" Dr. Larry Hammell, Professor of Health Management at the AVC, speaks with CBC Radio's Information Morning in Halifax… Dave Atkinson Research Communications Officer 620-5117
We've planned two, half days over the break to introduce you to some of the possibilities. Faculty from around campus have been invited to show you what they are doing online. There will also be support staff to give you a sense of what services you can use to help you get started. The sessions will take place from 1:00-4:30 pm on February 19 and 9:00 am-12:30 pm on the morning of February 20. The workshops will be held in McDougall Hall 328 with light refreshments provided. There is no cost for the workshop, but faculty are invited to register with the Centre for Life-Long Learning through Lisa Mackinnon-Laybolt at: Questions about the event? Contact Daniel Lynds at
Similar to last year, we will be having a "Pie Your Prof" event on Thursday, January 31, as part of the Student Union's Frost Week 2013 . Students have the chance to place bids on the prof they would like to pie, and the highest bidder gets to pie their prof. Money raised goes towards a "Pimp My Lounge" contest. Frost Week is an important week for the Student Union, as it brings students, faculty, and staff together in a friendly, interfaculty rivalry. If you'd be interested in or willing to be pied in the face, please email Jon at We would really appreciate your support!
"Infectious Salmon Anemia poses no risk to humans" Dr. Larry Hammell, Professor of Health Management at the AVC, speaks with CBC Radio's Information Morning in Halifax… Dave Atkinson Research Communications Officer 620-5117
We've planned two, half days over the break to introduce you to some of the possibilities. Faculty from around campus have been invited to show you what they are doing online. There will also be support staff to give you a sense of what services you can use to help you get started. The sessions will take place from 1:00-4:30 pm on February 19 and 9:00 am-12:30 pm on the morning of February 20. The workshops will be held in McDougall Hall 328 with light refreshments provided. There is no cost for the workshop, but faculty are invited to register with the Centre for Life-Long Learning through Lisa Mackinnon-Laybolt at: Questions about the event? Contact Daniel Lynds at
The summer 2013 timetable is now available for viewing. Please note that information presented in the course timetable is subject to change and students are reminded to double-check these timetables for the most up-to-date changes. Andrea Trowbridge Registration & Scheduling Coordinator Office of the Registrar 566-0506