Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering

The UPEI Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering is devoted to developing engineers with exceptional design and professional skills combined with a global perspective—engineers who are broadly capable, globally and socially aware, creative, communicative, and entrepreneurial. 

The Faculty offers an undergraduate program and two graduate programs:


These programs provide students with unprecedented opportunities to gain their degrees via a client-focused, project-based model delivered in an intimate learning environment that is hallmarked by mentoring and collaboration with faculty, industry, and community organizations. 

Supporting students and developing leaders

Dr. Libby Osgood outside the Engineering Success Centre
UPEI's Engineering Success Centre
two UPEi students working in the Engineering Success Centre
Students, Success Story
Dr. Libby Osgood working with Engineering student Luke McCarvill

Meet the student associates of the UPEI Engineering Success Centre, and find out how they're building leadership skills helping their peers and friends!

a group watching a demonstration of an engineering student project
a group watching a demonstration of an engineering student project
2024 Engineering Design Expo

Events and Social

What's Happening at UPEI?

10:00am W.A. Murphy Student Centre
7:30pm Performing Arts Centre and Residence

UPEI Students Celebrating

Have a question?

Contact studentsupport@upei.ca