
Michael McIsaac
Island Scholar Profile Picture
Michael McIsaac
School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences
Cass Science Hall 210
Island Scholar:
Island Scholar Biography

Associate Professor

BSc (UPEI); MMath, PhD (Waterloo)

Dr. Michael McIsaac's research interests include the development and application of statistical methods for health studies. Dr. McIsaac works collaboratively with physicians and epidemiologists in the design and analysis of studies related to, among other things, cancer, rheumatology, vasculitis, retinal diseases, dental readiness, adolescent health, and mental health. His specific areas of interest include statistical methods for efficient two-phase study designs and for the analysis of incomplete data. Dr. McIsaac is affiliated with the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Study and the PEI Mental Well-Being Research Advisory Table.

Dr. McIsaac is very interested in Statistics education and pedagogy; he often participates in conferences and workshops on Statistics education and earned a Certificate in University Teaching from the University of Waterloo's Centre for Teaching Excellence. He is also actively involved in service to the international Statistics community. He has been a regional representative on the Board of the Statistical Society of Canada (SSC) for both Ontario and the Atlantic Region, and has previously served as a member of ENAR's Council for Emerging and New Statisticians (CENS), as a member of the steering committee for CENS, as the chair of the Statistical Society of Canada's Committee on New Investigators, and as a member of the SSC's Census At School Canada Committee.

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